We are learning to ...
- play the chime bars to go up and down the scale 
- explore the differences between high and low sounds and soft and loud sounds 
- sing songs in time with the music. 
We know when we have done this when...

  • we can play up the scale, and down the scale in time to the song
  • we can keep in time with the music
  • we can say whether the sounds are high or low
  • we can play loudly or softly
  • we can sing in time with the music

Term 2 Reading 2014

I am learning to read silently, clarify unfamiliar words or phrases, question others about the story, summarise the text in my own words and find the important information in what I read and to reflect upon what I read.

Mrs Small: What do you like best about reading?

Sam: We read lots of cool stories and I learn lots of information.

My place in Christchurch

A Place that is important to me in Christchurch..
The police station because my dad used to work next to it in the City Council building.


My drawing of still life at the workshop by Mr Shaskey.

We are learning to ...
  • plan a drawing using the elements of line, tone, texture, colour, form, shape, and space
  • use the techniques of sketching, using the correct brush strokes, colour mixing, texturing, and applying a black border.
  • communicate and interpret my idea of a kowhaiwhai pattern.

Student comment: I liked doing the pattern and I liked the colours I used. 

Term 2 Published Storywriting

We are learning to write a recount
We know when we have done this when we have…
·       An introduction telling who, what and where
·       Events in sequence
·       Sentences starting in different ways
·       Describing words to create a picture in the mind of the reader

·       A conclusion/ending/personal response